Thursday, June 4, 2009


So, I finally made our new blog private, so if I have your e-mail address you should receive an invitation today. Now that the new blog is set up, please update your link to us. Hopefully this goes well, and thanks for keeping up with us and being patient as we change things around!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

An update...

Thanks to everyone who has left their e-mail addresses for me. I still haven't sent the invitations to the new blog. To answer a couple questions I received, I moved our old blog by going to the settings tab and then the publishing tab on my blog. Then you choose a new blog address to publish to. This releases your old blog address, so I just went back in and claimed this one again after I moved the old blog. Also, I have hidden the comments left so far, so that your e-mail address aren't just up for everyone to see. From now on you can still leave me your e-mail as a comment, or you can e-mail it to me at thenewknudsenblog{at}gmail{dot}com.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We've Moved!

Hi Everyone! So, I got nervous about everyone in the whole world being able to look at our blog. Instead of making this blog address private, I moved our blog and our new blog will be private. This way, if you would like to be a reader of our blog, you can leave me a message here anytime. I really do want all of our family, friends and even casual acquaintances to know what we're up to, so please let me know your e-mails so I can invite you to view the new blog -- just no creeps allowed!